உயர் மட்ட அதிகாரிகளை ஊழல் மற்றும் முறைகேடு தொடர்பான வழக்கில் விசாரணை நடத்த சி.பி.ஐ.,க்கு நேரடி அதிகாரம் வழங்கும் வரலாற்று சிறப்பு மிக்க தீர்ப்பை இன்று (06.05.2014) உச்சநீதி மன்றம் வழங்கியுள்ளது. இந்த தீர்ப்பு பெரும் பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும் என சி.பி.ஐ,. இயக்குனரகம் வரவேற்றுள்ளது.
இணை செயலாளர் அந்தஸ்துக்கு மேலான அரசு அதிகாரிகளிடம் விசாரணை நடத்த அனுமதி பெற வேண்டும் என வலியுறுத்தும் டில்லி மாநில சட்டப்பிரிவு 6- ஏயை ரத்து செய்யவும் கோர்ட் ஆணை பிறப்பித்தது.
‘ஊழல்வாதிகள் என்போர் எப்போதும் ஊழல்வாதிகள், இவர்கள் ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட பிரிவினரால் காப்பாற்றப்படக்கூடாது. அனுமதி பெற வேண்டும் என்ற விதியை ரத்து செய்வதன் மூலம் சி.பி.ஐ,. சுதந்திரமான முறையில் விசாரணையில் ஈடுப்பட முடியும்.
இதன்படி இணைசெயலர் மற்றும் அதற்கும் மேலான அதிகாரிகளை விசாரிக்க முடியும். அவசியம் ஏற்பட்டால், அந்த அதிகாரிகள் மீது வழக்கும் பதிவு செய்யலாம்.
உச்சநீதி மன்ற தீர்ப்பின் உண்மை நகல், நமது வாசகர்களின் மேலானப் பார்வைக்கு இத்துடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
உச்சநீதி மன்ற தீர்ப்பின் உண்மை நகல்:
Dr. Subramanian Swamy …… Petitioner
Director, Central Bureau of Investigation & Anr. …… Respondents
Centre for Public Interest Litigation …… Petitioner
Union of India …… Respondent
Section 6-A of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act,
1946 (for short, ‘the DSPE Act’), which was inserted by Act 45 of 2003,
reads as under:
“Section 6-A. Approval of Central Government to conduct inquiry or
investigation.- (1) The Delhi Special Police Establishment shall not
conduct any inquiry or investigation into any offence alleged to
have been committed under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
(49 of 1988) except with the previous approval of the Central
Government where such allegation relates to-
(a) the employees of the Central Government of the Level of
Joint Secretary and above; and
(b) such officers as are appointed by the Central
Government in corporations established by or under any
Central Act, Government companies, societies and local
authorities owned or controlled by that Government.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), no such
approval shall be necessary for cases involving arrest of a person
on the spot on the charge of accepting or attempting to accept any
gratification other than legal remuneration referred to in clause (c)
of the Explanation to section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act,
1988 (49 of 1988).”
2. The constitutional validity of Section 6-A is in issue in these
two writ petitions, both filed under Article 32 of the Constitution. Since
Section 6-A came to be inserted by Section 26(c) of the Central Vigilance
Commission Act, 2003 (Act 45 of 2003), the constitutional validity of
Section 26(c) has also been raised. It is not necessary to independently
refer to Section 26(c). Our reference to Section 6-A of the DSPE Act,
wherever necessary, shall be treated as reference to Section 26(c) of the
Act 45 of 2003 as well.
Reference to the Constitution Bench
3. On February 4, 2005 when these petitions came up for
consideration, the Bench thought that these matters deserved to be heard
by the larger Bench. The full text of the reference order is as follows:
“In these petitions challenge is to the constitutional validity of
Section 6-A of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946
(for short, “the Act”). This section was inserted in the Act
w.e.f. 12-9-2003. It, inter alia, provides for obtaining the
previous approval of the Central Government for conduct
of any inquiry or investigation for any offence alleged to have
been committed under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
where allegations relate to officers of the level of Joint Secretary
and above. Before insertion of Section 6-A in the Act,
the requirement to obtain prior approval of the Central Government
was contained in a directive known as “Single Directive” issued by
the Government. The Single Directive was a consolidated set of
instructions issued to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) by
various Ministries/Departments regarding modalities of
initiating an inquiry or registering a case against certain
categories of civil servants. The said directive was stated to have
been issued to protect decision-making-level officers from the
threat and ignominy of malicious and vexatious
inquiries/investigations and to give protection to officers at the
decision-making level and to relieve them of the anxiety from the
likelihood of harassment for taking honest decisions. It was
said that absence of such protection to them could adversely affect
the efficiency and efficacy of these institutions because of the
tendency of such officers to avoid taking any decisions which
could later lead to harassment by any malicious and
vexatious inquiries/investigations.
2. The Single Directive was quashed by this Court in a
judgment delivered on 18-12-1997 (Vineet Narain & Ors. v.
Union of India & Anr. (1998) 1 SCC 226). Within a few
months after Vineet Narain judgment, by the Central Vigilance
Commission Ordinance, 1998 dated 25-8-1998, Section 6-A was
sought to be inserted providing for the previous approval of
the Central Vigilance Commission before investigation of the
officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above. On the
intervention of this Court, this provision was deleted by issue of
another Ordinance promulgated on 27-10-1998. From the date of
the decision in Vineet Narain case and till insertion of Section 6-
A w.e.f. 12-9-2003, there was no requirement of seeking previous
approval except for a period of two months from 25-8-1998 to
3. The validity of Section 6-A has been questioned on the
touchstone of Article 14 of the Constitution. Learned amicus curiae
has contended that the impugned provision is wholly subversive
of independent investigation of culpable bureaucrats and strikes
at the core of rule of law as explained in Vineet Narain case and
the principle of independent, unhampered, unbiased and
efficient investigation. The contention is that Vineet Narain
decision frames a structure by which honest officers could
fearlessly enforce the criminal law and detect corruption
uninfluenced by extraneous political, bureaucratic or other
influences and the result of the impugned legislation is
that the very group of persons, namely, high-ranking
bureaucrats whose misdeeds and illegalities may have to
be inquired into, would decide whether CBI should even start
an inquiry or investigation against them or not. There will be no
confidentiality and insulation of the investigating agency from
political and bureaucratic control and influence because the
approval is to be taken from the Central Government which
would involve leaks and disclosures at every stage. The
very nexus of the criminal-bureaucrat-politician which is subverting
the whole polity would be involved in granting or refusing
prior approval before an inquiry or investigation can take place.
Pointing out that the essence of a police investigation is
skilful inquiry and collection of material and evidence in a
manner by which the potential culpable individuals are not
forewarned, the submission made is that the prior sanction of the
same department would result in indirectly putting to notice the
officers to be investigated before commencement of
investigation. Learned Senior Counsel contends that it is wholly
irrational and arbitrary to protect highly-placed public servants
from inquiry or investigation in the light of the conditions
prevailing in the country and the corruption at high places as
reflected in several judgments of this Court including that of
Vineet Narain. Section 6-A of the Act is wholly arbitrary and
unreasonable and is liable to be struck down being
violative of Article 14 of the Constitution is the
submission of learned amicus curiae.
4. In support of the challenge to the constitutional
validity of the impugned provision, besides observations
made in the three-Judge Bench decision in Vineet Narain
case reliance has also been placed on various decisions
including S.G. Jaisinghani v. Union of India [(1967) 2 SCR 703],
Shrilekha Vidyarthi v. State of U.P. [(1991) 1 SCC 212], Ajay Hasia
v. Khalid Mujib Sehravardi [(1981) 1 SCC 722] and Mardia
Chemicals Ltd. v. Union of India [(2004) 4 SCC 311] to
emphasize that the absence of arbitrary power is the
first essential of the rule of law upon which our whole constitutional
system is based. In Mardia Chemicals case a three-Judge Bench
held Section 17(2) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 to
be unreasonable and arbitrary and violative of Article 14 of the
Constitution. Section 17(2) provides for condition of deposit
of 75% of the amount before an appeal could be
entertained. The condition has been held to be illusory
and oppressive. Malpe Vishwanath Acharya v. State of
Maharashtra [(1998) 2 SCC 1], again a decision of a three-
Judge Bench, setting aside the decision of the High Court
which upheld the provisions of Sections 5(10)(b), 11(1)
and 12(3) of the Bombay Rents, Hotel and Lodging
House Rates Control Act, 1947 pertaining to standard rent
in petitions where the constitutional validity of those provisions
was challenged on the ground of the same being
arbitrary, unreasonable and consequently ultra vires Article 14 of
the Constitution, has come to the conclusion that the said
provisions are arbitrary and unreasonable.
5. Learned Solicitor General, on the other hand, though very
fairly admitting that the nexus between criminals and some
elements of establishment including politicians and various
sections of bureaucracy has increased and also that there is a
disturbing increase in the level of corruption and these
problems need to be addressed, infractions of the law need to
be investigated, investigations have to be conducted quickly
and effectively without any interference and the
investigative agencies should be allowed to function
without any interference of any kind whatsoever and that
they have to be insulated from any extraneous influences
of any kind, contends that a legislation cannot be struck
down on the ground of arbitrariness or unreasonableness
as such a ground is available only to quash executive
action and orders. Further contention is that even a delegated
legislation cannot be quashed on the ground of mere arbitrariness
and even for quashing such a legislation, manifest arbitrariness is
the requirement of law. In support, reliance has been placed
on observations made in a three-Judge Bench decision in
State of A.P.. v. McDowell & Co. [(1996) 3 SCC 709] that no
enactment can be struck down by just saying that it is arbitrary
or unreasonable and observations made in Khoday Distilleries
Ltd. v. State of Karnataka [1996 (10) SCC 304] that
delegated legislation can be struck down only if there is manifest
6. In short, the moot question is whether arbitrariness and
unreasonableness or manifest arbitrariness and
unreasonableness, being facets of Article 14 of the
Constitution are available or not as grounds to invalidate a
legislation. Both counsel have placed reliance on observations
made in decisions rendered by a Bench of three learned Judges.
7. Further contention of learned Solicitor General is that the
conclusion drawn in Vineet Narain case is erroneous that the
Constitution Bench decision in K. Veeraswami v. Union of India
[(1991) 3 SCC 655] is not an authority for the proposition that in
the case of high officials, requirement of prior
permission/sanction from a higher officer or Head of the
Department is permissible, the submission is that conclusion
reached in para 34 of Vineet Narain decision runs
contrary to observations and findings contained in para 28 of
Veeraswami case.
8. Having regard to the aforesaid, we are of the view that the
matters deserve to be heard by a larger Bench, subject to
the orders of Hon’ble the Chief Justice of India.”
Background of Section 6-A
4. We may first notice the background in which Section 6-A was
inserted in the DSPE Act. In 1993, Vineet Narain approached this Court
under Article 32 of the Constitution of India complaining inertia by the
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in matters where the accusation made
was against high dignitaries. The necessity of monitoring the investigation
by this Court is indicated in paragraph 1 of the judgment1, which reads:
“These writ petitions under Article 32 of the Constitution of India
brought in public interest, to begin with, did not appear to have the
potential of escalating to the dimensions they reached or to give rise
to several issues of considerable significance to the implementation
of rule of law, which they have, during their progress. They began as
yet another complaint of inertia by the Central Bureau of Investigation
(CBI) in matters where the accusation made was against high
1 Vineet Narain & Ors. v. Union of India & Anr.; [(1998) 1 SCC 226]
dignitaries. It was not the only matter of its kind during the recent
past. The primary question was: Whether it is within the domain of
judicial review and it could be an effective instrument for activating
the investigative process which is under the control of the executive?
The focus was on the question, whether any judicial remedy is
available in such a situation? However, as the case progressed, it
required innovation of a procedure within the constitutional scheme
of judicial review to permit intervention by the court to find a solution
to the problem. This case has helped to develop a procedure within
the discipline of law for the conduct of such a proceeding in similar
situations. It has also generated awareness of the need of probity in
public life and provided a mode of enforcement of accountability in
public life. Even though the matter was brought to the court by certain
individuals claiming to represent public interest, yet as the case
progressed, in keeping with the requirement of public interest, the
procedure devised was to appoint the petitioners’ counsel as the
amicus curiae and to make such orders from time to time as were
consistent with public interest. Intervention in the proceedings by
everyone else was shut out but permission was granted to all, who so
desired, to render such assistance as they could, and to provide the
relevant material available with them to the amicus curiae for being
placed before the court for its consideration. In short, the
proceedings in this matter have had great educative value and it
does appear that it has helped in future decision-making and
functioning of the public authorities.”
5. In Vineet Narain1, Single Directive No.4.7(3), which contained
certain instructions to CBI regarding modalities of initiating an inquiry or
registering a case against certain categories of civil servants, fell for
consideration. We shall refer to Single Directive No. 4.7(3) at some length a
little later but suffice to say here that this Court struck down Single Directive
No.4.7(3). While doing so, the Court also made certain recommendations in
respect of CBI and Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). One of such
recommendations was to confer statutory status to CVC.
6. Initially, the Government decided to put the proposed law in
place through an Ordinance so as to comply with the directions of this Court
in Vineet Narain1. Later on the Government introduced the CVC Bill, 1998 in
the Lok Sabha on 7.12.1998. The CVC Bill, 1998 was referred to the
Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs for
examination and report, which presented its report to the Parliament on
25.2.1999 and made certain recommendations on the CVC Bill, 1998. The
Lok Sabha passed the CVC Bill, 1998 as the CVC Bill, 1999 on 15.3.1999
after adopting the official amendments moved in this regard. However,
before the Bill could be considered and passed by the Rajya Sabha, the
12th Lok Sabha was dissolved on 26.4.1999 and, consequently, the CVC
Bill, 1999 lapsed. The CVC Bill was re-introduced with the title “The Central
Vigilance Commission Bill, 2003”. The Bill was passed by both the Houses
of Parliament and received the assent of the President on 11.9.2003. This
is how the Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003 (for short, ‘Act 45 of
2003’) came to be enacted.
7. Act 45 of 2003 provides for the constitution of a Central
Vigilance Commission to inquire or cause inquiries to be conducted into
offences alleged to have been committed under the Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1988 (for short, ‘PC Act, 1988’) by certain categories of
public servants of the Central Government, corporations established by or
under any Central Act, government companies, societies and local
authorities owned or controlled by the Central Government and for matters
connected therewith or incidental thereto. Section 26 of the Act 45 of 2003
provides for amendment of DSPE Act and clause (c) thereof enacts that
after Section 6, Section 6-A shall be inserted in the DSPE Act.
8. Section 6-A(1) of the DSPE Act requires approval of the
Central Government to conduct inquiry or investigation where the
allegations of commission of an offence under the PC Act, 1988 relate to
the employees of the Central Government of the level of Joint Secretary
and above.
Genesis of Challenge to Section 6-A
9. On 24.2.1997, the Writ Petition (Civil) No.38/1997 came up for
admission before a three-Judge Bench. On hearing the petitioner, the writ
petition was entertained but it was confined to relief in paragraph 12(a)
only. The notice was directed to be issued to respondent No.1 (Director,
CBI) and respondent No.5 (Union of India through Cabinet Secretary) and
other respondents were deleted from the array of parties. The Court on that
date requested Shri Anil B. Divan, learned senior counsel to appear as
amicus curiae in the case. It is not necessary to narrate the proceedings
which took place on various dates. It may, however, be mentioned that on
5.4.2002 when the matter was mentioned before the Bench, learned amicus
curiae expressed his concern regarding the attempt to restore the Single
Directive, which was struck down in Vineet Narain1, in the proposed
legislation. Thereupon, the matter was adjourned and Court requested the
presence of learned Attorney General on 19.4.2002. On 19.4.2002, the
matter was ordered to be listed in September, 2002. As noted above, on
11.9.2003, Act 45 of 2003 received Presidential assent and Section 6-A
was inserted in the DSPE Act.
10. On 19.1.2004, Writ Petition (C) No.21/2004 was ordered to be
listed along with Writ Petition (C) No.38/1997. On 23.1.2004, notice was
issued in Writ Petition (C) No. 21/2004. In this writ petition, the counter was
filed by the Union on 7.4.2004 and rejoinder affidavit was filed by the
11. We have heard Mr. Anil B. Divan, learned senior counsel and
amicus curiae in Writ Petition (C) No.38/1997 and Mr. Prashant Bhushan,
learned counsel for the petitioner in Writ Petition (C) No.21/2004. In one
matter, Mr. L. Nageswara Rao, learned Additional Solicitor General
appeared for Union of India while in the other, Mr. K.V. Viswanathan,
learned Additional Solicitor General appeared on behalf of Union of India.
We have heard both of them on behalf of the Union of India. We have also
heard Mr. Gopal Sankaranarayanan, learned counsel for the intervenor.
Submissions of Mr. Anil B. Divan
12. Mr. Anil B. Divan, learned amicus curiae argues that Section 6-
A is an impediment to the rule of law and violative of Article 14, which is
part of the rule of law; that the impugned provision creates a privileged
class and thereby subverts the normal investigative process and violates
the fundamental right(s) under Article 14 of every citizen. He submits that if
the impugned provision is replicated at the State level and provision of
‘previous approval’ by respective State Governments is required, then the
rule of law would completely collapse in the whole of India and no high level
corruption would be investigated or punished. He relies upon decision of
this Court in Vineet Narain1. He also relies upon the decision in I.R. Coelho2
in support of the proposition that Article 14 is a part of the rule of law and it
is the duty of the judiciary to enforce the rule of law.
13. According to learned amicus curiae, Section 6-A directly
presents an illegal impediment to the insulation of CBI and undermines the
independence of CBI to hold a preliminary enquiry (PE) or investigation.
Citing the judgments of this Court in Centre for Public Interest Litigation (2G
Spectrum case)3 and Manohar Lal Sharma4 following Vineet Narain1,
learned amicus curiae submits that trend of these judgments is to preserve
the rule of law by insulating the CBI from executive influence which could
derail and result in inaction in enforcing the criminal law against high level
corruption. Learned amicus curiae highlighted that there was no
2 I.R. Coelho v. State of Tamil Nadu; [(2007) 2 SCC 1].
3 Centre for Public Interest Litigation & Ors. v. Union of India & Ors.; [(2012) 3 SCC 1].
4 Manohar Lal Sharma v. Principal Secretary & Ors.; [(2014) 2 SCC 532].
requirement of previous approval as contained in the impugned provisions
between 18.12.1997 (the date of Vineet Narain1 judgment striking down the
Single Directive) and 11.9.2003 (when CVC Act came into force) except the
period between 25.8.1998 and 27.10.1998 when the CVC Ordinance, 1998
was in force and till the deletions by CVC Amendment Ordinance, 1998. He
referred to N.N. Vohra Committee report which paints a frightening picture
of criminal-bureaucratic-political nexus – a network of high level corruption
– and submitted that the impugned provision puts this nexus in a position to
block inquiry and investigation by CBI by conferring the power of previous
approval on the Central Government.
14. Mr. Anil B. Divan, learned amicus curiae wants us to take
judicial notice of the fact that high level bureaucratic corruption goes hand
in hand, on many occasions, with political corruption at the highest level.
This very group of high ranking bureaucrats, whose misconduct and
criminality, if any, requires to be first inquired into and thereafter
investigated, can thwart, defeat and impair this exercise. In substance, the
potential accused would decide whether or not their conduct should be
inquired into. He argues that the essence of skillful and effective police
investigation is by collection of evidence and material secretly, without
leakage so that the potential accused is not forewarned leading to
destruction or tempering of evidence and witnesses. Such investigation is
compromised by the impugned provision, viz., Section 6-A of the DSPE Act.
The requirement of previous approval in the impugned provision would
mean leakages as well as breach of confidentiality and would be wholly
destructive of an efficient investigation. The provision, such as Section 6-A,
offers an impregnable shield (except when there is a court monitored
investigation) to the criminal-bureaucratic-political nexus. If the CBI is not
even allowed to verify complaints by preliminary enquiry, how can the case
move forward? In such a situation, the very commencement of enquiry /
investigation is thwarted and delayed. Moreover, a preliminary enquiry is
intended to ascertain whether a prima facie case for investigation is made
out or not. If CBI is prevented from holding a preliminary enquiry, it will not
be able to even gather relevant material for the purpose of obtaining
previous approval.
15. Learned amicus curiae submits that for judging the validity of
classification or reasonableness or arbitrariness of State action, the Court is
entitled to take notice of conditions prevailing from time to time. He
referred to certain portions of the N.N. Vohra Committee report, 2G
Spectrum case3 and the facts of a case before Delhi High Court entitled
‘Telecom Watchdog’5 and the case of M. Gopalakrishnan, Chairman and
Managing Director (CMD of Indian Bank). Learned amicus curiae also relied
upon decisions of this Court in V.G. Row6 and D.S. Nakara7.
5 Telecom Watchdog v. Union of India; (Delhi High Court W.P.(C) No. 9338/2009).
6 State of Madras v. V.G. Row; [1952 SCR 597].
7 D.S. Nakara and Ors. v. Union of India; [(1983) 1 SCC 305].
16. It is submitted by the learned amicus curiae that pervasive
corruption adversely affects welfare and other activities and expenditures of
the state. Consequently, the rights of Indian citizens not only under Article
14 but also under Article 21 are violated. In this regard, he has relied upon
the observations made by this Court in Vineet Narain1, Ram Singh8,
Subramanian Swamy9, R.A. Mehta10, Balakrishna Dattatrya Kumbhar11 and
In re. Special Courts Bill, 197812.
17. Learned amicus curiae submits that Section 6-A confers on the
Central Government unguided, unfettered and unbridled power and the
provision is manifestly arbitrary, entirely perverse and patently
unreasonable. He relies upon the decisions of this Court in Travancore
Chemicals and Manufacturing Co.13, Krishna Mohan (P) Ltd.14, Canara
Bank15 and Nergesh Meerza16.
18. It is vehemently contended by the learned amicus curiae that
the classification as contained in Section 6-A creating a privileged class of
the government officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above level and
certain officials in public sector undertakings, etc. is directly destructive and
runs counter to the whole object and reason of the PC Act, 1988 read with
8 State of M.P. and Ors. v. Ram Singh; [(2000) 5 SCC 88].
9 Subramanian Swamy v. Manmohan Singh and Anr.; [(2012) 3 SCC 64].
10 State of Gujarat and Anr. v. Justice R.A. Mehta(Retd.) and Ors.; [(2013) 3 SCC 1].
11 State of Maharashtra v. Balakrishna Dattatrya Kumbhar; [(2012) 12 SCC 384].
12 Special Courts Bill, 1978, In re,; [(1979) 1 SCC 380].
13 State of Kerala and Ors. v. Travancore Chemicals and Manufacturing Co. and Anr.; [(1998) 8 SCC
14 Krishna Mohan (P) Ltd. v. Municipal Corporation of Delhi and Ors.; [(2003) 7 SCC 151].
15 District Registrar and Collector, Hyderabad and Anr. v. Canara Bank and Ors.; [(2005) 1 SCC 496].
16 Air India v. Nergesh Meerza and Ors.; [(1981) 4 SCC 335].
the DSPE Act and undermines the object of detecting and punishing high
level corruption. In this regard, learned amicus curiae referred to protection
given to Government officials under Section 197 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure (Cr.P.C.) and under Section 19 of the PC Act, 1988. He argues
that the well-settled two tests: (i) that classification must be founded on
intelligible differentia and (ii) that differentia must have a rational relation
with the object sought to be achieved by the legislation, are not satisfied by
Section 6-A. A privileged class of Central Government employees has
been created inasmuch as the protection offered to the category of the
government officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above regarding
previous approval does not extend to: (a) official / employees who are not
employees of the Central Government, (b) employees of the Central
Government below Joint Secretary level, (c) employees of Joint Secretary
level and above in the states, (d) enquiry and investigation of offences
which are not covered by the PC Act, 1988, and (e) other individuals
including ministers, legislators and private sector employees. Learned
amicus curiae relies upon the decision of this Court in Vithal Rao17.
Submissions of Mr. Prashant Bhushan for Centre for Public Interest
Litigation (CPIL-petitioner)
19. Mr. Prashant Bhushan, learned counsel for the petitioner in the
connected writ petition filed by Centre for Public Interest Litigation (CPIL)
17 Nagpur Improvement Trust and Anr. v. Vithal Rao and Ors.; [(1973) 1 SCC 500].
has adopted the arguments of the learned amicus curiae. He submits that
Section 6-A makes criminal investigation against a certain class of public
servants unworkable and it completely militates against the rule of law. He
referred to the United Nations document entitled “United Nations
Convention Against Corruption” and submitted that Section 6-A of the
DSPE Act interdicts enquiry or investigation in respect of certain class of
officers and puts direct hindrance in combating corruption and, therefore,
the provision is violative of Article 14 of the Constitution.
Submissions of Mr. Gopal Sankaranarayanan (intervenor)
20. Mr. Gopal Sankaranarayanan, appearing on behalf of
intervenor submits that Section 6-A of the DSPE Act breaches the basic
feature of rule of law. He argues that the basic structure test can be applied
to the statutes as well. By enactment of Section 6-A, the rule of law has
suffered a two-fold violation: (i) resurrection of the single directive in the
form of legislation without in any way removing the basis of the Vineet
Narain1 judgment, and (ii) impediment of the due process (criminal
investigation) by imposing a condition at the threshold. In this regard, he
has relied upon decisions of this Court in State of Karnataka18, L. Chandra
18 State of Karnataka v. Union of India and Anr.; [(1977) 4 SCC 608].
Kumar19, Kuldip Nayar20, Madras Bar Association21, K.T. Plantation (P)
Ltd.22, G.C. Kanungo23, Indra Sawhney (2)24, and I.R. Coelho2.
21. Mr. Gopal Sankaranarayanan, learned counsel for the
intervenor, also submits that there is an unreasonable classification among
policemen and among the accused and, in any case, the classification even
if valid has no nexus with the object sought to be achieved by Section 6-A,
which is apparently to protect the officers concerned. According to learned
counsel, Section 6-A is also inconsistent with the Cr.P.C. In this regard, he
refers to CBI Manual, Sections 19 and 22 of the PC Act, 1988 and Section
197 of Cr.P.C.
Submissions of Mr. L. Nageswara Rao, ASG.
22. Mr. L. Nageswara Rao, learned Additional Solicitor General
stoutly defends Section 6-A. He submits that the rationale behind Section 6-
A of the DSPE Act can be seen in the reply to the debate in Parliament on
the Central Vigilance Commission Bill by the then Union Minister of Law
and Justice, Mr. Arun Jaitley. The provision is defended on the ground that
those who are in decision making positions, those who have to exercise
discretion and those who have to take vital decisions could become target
of frivolous complaints and need to be protected. Therefore, some
19 L. Chandra Kumar v. Union of India and Ors.; [(1997) 3 SCC 261].
20 Kuldip Nayar and Ors. v. Union of India and Ors.; [(2006) 7 SCC 1].
21 Union of India v. R. Gandhi, President, Madras Bar Association; [(2010) 11 SCC 1].
22 K.T. Plantation (P) Ltd. & Anr. v. State of Karnataka; [(2011) 9 SCC 1].
23 G.C. Kanungo v. State of Orissa; [(1995) 5 SCC 96].
24 Indra Sawhney (2) v. Union of India and Ors.; [(2000) 1 SCC 168].
screening mechanism must be put into place whereby serious complaints
would be investigated and frivolous complaints can be thrown out. If such
protection is not given to senior decision makers, anyone can file a
complaint and the CBI or the police can raid the houses of such senior
officers. This may affect governance inasmuch as instead of tendering
honest advice to political executives, the senior officers at the decisionmaking
level would only give safe and non-committal advice. He argues
that the object of Section 6-A is to provide screening mechanism to filter out
frivolous or motivated investigation that could be initiated against senior
officers to protect them from harassment and to enable them to take
decision without fear. In this regard, the legal principles enunciated in K.
Veeraswami25 were strongly pressed into service by Mr. L. Nageswara Rao.
23. It is argued by the learned Additional Solicitor General that
Section 6-A is not an absolute bar because it does not prohibit investigation
against senior government servants as such. It only provides a filter or precheck
so that the Government can ensure that senior officers at decisionmaking
level are not subjected to unwarranted harassment.
24. Emphasizing that the Central Government is committed to
weeding out vice of corruption, learned Additional Solicitor General submits
that requests for approval under Section 6-A are processed expeditiously
after the Government of India had constituted a Group of Ministers to
25 K. Veeraswami v. Union of India and Ors.; [(1991) 3 SCC 655].
consider certain measures that could be taken by Government to tackle
corruption and the Group of Ministers suggested the measures to ensure
that the requests received from CBI under Section 6-A are examined on
priority and with objectivity.
25. Mr. L. Nageswara Rao, learned Additional Solicitor General
submits that arbitrariness and unreasonableness cannot by themselves be
a ground to strike down legislation. With reference to the decision of this
Court in E.P. Royappa26 he argues that while proposing a new dimension of
arbitrariness as an anti-thesis to equality in Article 14, the Court used
arbitrariness to strike down administrative action and not as a ground to test
legislations. He submits that in Maneka Gandhi27 the Court has not held that
arbitrariness by itself is a ground for striking down legislations under Article
14. Ajay Hasia28, learned Additional Solicitor General contends, also does
not make arbitrariness a ground to strike down legislation. Distinguishing
Malpe Vishwanath Acharya29, he submits that this Court used the
classification test to hold legislation to be arbitrary and the provision of
standard rent in Bombay Rent Control Act was struck down as having
become unreasonable due to passage of time. Learned Additional Solicitor
General also distinguished Mardia Chemicals Ltd30. He vehemently
contends that Courts cannot strike down legislations for being arbitrary and
26 E.P. Royappa v. State of T.N. and Anr.; [(1974) 4 SCC 3]
27 Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India and Anr.; [(1978) 1 SCC 248].
28 Ajay Hasia and Ors. v. Khalid Mujib Sehravardi and Ors.; [(1981) 1 SCC 722].
29 Malpe Vishwanath Acharya and Ors. v. State of Maharashtra and Anr.; [(1998) 2 SCC 1]
30 Mardia Chemicals Ltd. and Ors. v. Union of India and Ors.; [(2004) 4 SCC 311].
unreasonable so as to substitute their own wisdom for that of the
26. Mr. L. Nageswara Rao submits that wisdom of legislature
cannot be gone into for testing validity of a legislation and, apart from
constitutional limitations, no law can be struck down on the ground that it is
unreasonable or unjust. In this regard, he relies upon Kesavananda
Bharati31. He also referred to In re. Special Courts Bill, 197812, which
explained the principles enshrined in Article 14. In support of principle that
legislations can be declared invalid or unconstitutional only on two grounds:
(a) lack of legislative competence, and (b) violation of any fundamental
rights or any provision of the Constitution, learned Additional Solicitor
General relies upon Kuldip Nayar20. He also relies upon Ashoka Kumar
Thakur32 in support of the proposition that legislation cannot be challenged
simply on the ground of unreasonableness as that by itself does not
constitute a ground. He submits that a Constitution Bench in K.T. Plantation
(P) Ltd.22 has held that plea of unreasonableness, arbitrariness,
proportionality, etc., always raises an element of subjectivity on which Court
cannot strike down a statute or a statutory provision. Unless a constitutional
infirmity is pointed out, a legislation cannot be struck down by just using the
word ‘arbitrary’. In this regard, he heavily relies upon the decisions of this
31 His Holiness Kesavananda Bharati Sripadagalvaru v. State of Kerala and Anr.; [(1973) 4 SCC 225].
32 Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India and Ors.; [(2008) 6 SCC 1].
Court in In re. Natural Resources Allocation33, McDowell34 and Rakesh
Kohli35. The decision of the US Supreme Court in Heller36 is also cited by
the learned Additional Solicitor General in support of the proposition that
Court should not sit as super legislature over the wisdom or desirability of
legislative policy.
27. Mr. L. Nageswara Rao, learned Additional Solicitor General
argues that rule of law cannot be a ground for invalidating legislations
without reference to the Constitution. He submits that rule of law is not a
concept above the Constitution. Relying upon Indira Nehru Gandhi37,
learned Additional Solicitor General argues that meaning and constituent
elements of rule of law must be gathered from the enacting provisions of
the Constitution; vesting discretionary powers in the Government is not
contrary to the rule of law. Moreover, he submits that exceptions to the
procedure in Cr.P.C. cannot be violative of Articles 14 and 21 and such
exceptions cannot be termed as violating the rule of law. In this regard,
learned Additional Solicitor General refers to Section 197 of Cr.P.C. and
relies upon Matajog Dobey38, wherein this Court upheld constitutional
validity of Section 197 and held that the said provision was not violative of
Article 14. He also referred to Section 187 of Cr.P.C., Section 6 of the
33 Natural Resources Allocation, In re, Special Reference No. 1 of 2012; [(2012) 10 SCC 1].
34 State of A.P. and Ors. v. McDowell & Co. and Ors.; [(1996) 3 SCC 709].
35 State of M.P. v. Rakesh Kohli and Anr.; [(2012) 6 SCC 312].
36 Heller v. Doe; [509 U.S. 312 (1993)].
37 Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain [1975 (Suppl.) SCC 1]
38 Matajog Dobey v. H. C. Bhari; [(1955) 2 SCR 925]
Armed Forces (Special Provisions) Act, 1958 and Section 187-A of the Sea
Customs Act and submitted that these provisions have been held to be
constitutionally valid by this Court. Naga People’s Movement of Human
Rights39 was cited by learned Additional Solicitor General wherein Section
6 of the Armed Forces (Special Provisions) Act, 1958 was held
constitutional and Manhar Lal Bhogilal40 was cited wherein Section 187-A
of the Sea Customs Act was held valid. Learned Additional Solicitor
General has also referred to Section 42 of the Food Safety and Standards
Act, 2006, Section 50 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002, Section 12
of the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Safety Of Maritime Navigation
And Fixed Platforms On Continental Shelf Act, 2002, Section 23 of the
Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act, 1999, Section 45 of the
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, Section 20-A of the Terrorist and
Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, 1987, Section 137 of the Customs
Act, 1962, Section 11 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, Section 7 of the
Explosive Substances Act, 1908, Section 20 of the Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act, 1954, Section 23 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013,
Section 11 of Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act, 1925, Section 12
of Andhra Pradesh Land Grabbing (Prohibition) Act, 1982, Section 16 of
Gujarat Electricity Supply Undertakings (Acquisition) Act, 1969, Section 24
of Karnataka Control of Organized Crimes Act, 2000 and Section 9 of Bihar
Non-Government Educational Institution (Taking Over) Act, 1988 to
39 Naga People’s Movement of Human Rights v. Union of India;[(1998) 2 SCC 109]
40 Manhar Lal Bhogilal Shah v. State of Maharashtra; [(1971) 2 SCC 119]
demonstrate that there are large number of provisions where permission of
the Government is required before taking cognizance or for institution of an
28. Learned Additional Solicitor General submits that Section 6-A
satisfies the test of reasonable classification. The public servants of the
level of Joint Secretary and above take policy decisions and, therefore,
there is an intelligible differentia. As they take policy decisions, there is a
need to protect them from frivolous inquiries and investigation so that policy
making does not suffer. Thus, there is rational nexus with the object sought
to be achieved. In this regard, learned Additional Solicitor General has
relied upon the decisions of this Court in Ram Krishna Dalmia41, Union of
India42 and Re: Special Courts Bill, 197812. He also referred to the
proceedings of the Joint Parliamentary Committee, Law Minister’s Speech,
the Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules and the Central
Secretariat Manual of Procedure.
29. Mr. L. Nageswara Rao submits that conferment of unbridled /
un-canalized power on the executive cannot be a ground for striking down
legislation as being violative of Article 14. Mere possibility of abuse of
power cannot invalidate a law. He cited the judgments of this Court in Re
41 Ram Krishna Dalmia v. Justice S.R. Tendolkar & Ors.; [1959 SCR 279]
42 Union of India & Ors. v. No.664950 IM Havildar/ Clerk SC Bagari; [(1999) 3 SCC 709]
Special Courts Bill, 197812, N.B. Khare43, Mafatlal Industries44 and Sushil
Kumar Sharma45.
30. Learned Additional Solicitor General submits that conferment
of power on high authority reduces the possibility of its abuse to minimum.
In support of this submission, learned Additional Solicitor General relies
upon the decision of this Court in Maneka Gandhi27, Matajog Dubey38, V.C.
Shukla46 and V.C.Shukla (IInd)47. He also submits that absence of
guidelines can only make the exercise of power susceptible to challenge
and not the legislation. In this regard, Pannalal Binjraj48 and Jyoti Pershad49
are cited by him.
Submissions of Mr. K.V. Viswanathan, ASG
31. Mr. K.V. Viswanathan, learned Additional Solicitor General
submits that there is presumption of constitutionality and mutual respect
inherent in doctrine of separation of powers. He relies upon Bihar Distillery
32. Mr. K.V. Viswanathan, learned Additional Solicitor General
referred to Sections 7, 11 and 13 of the PC Act, 1988 in order to show that
all these provisions relate to discharge of official functions. The officers
43 N.B.Khare (Dr.) v. State of Delhi;[1950 SCR 519]
44 Mafatlal Industries Ltd. & Ors. v. Union of India & Ors.; [(1997) 5 SCC 536]
45 Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union of India & Ors.; [(2005) 6 SCC 281]
46 V.C. Shukla v. State through CBI; [1980 Supp SCC 92]
47 V.C. Shukla v. State (Delhi Administration); [1980 Supp SCC 249]
48 Pannalal Binjraj & Anr. etc., etc. v. Union of India & Ors.; [1957 SCR 233]
49 Jyoti Pershad v. Administrator for the Union Territory of Delhi & Ors. [(1962) 2 SCR 125]
50 State of Bihar & Ors. v. Bihar Distillery Ltd. & Ors.;[(1997) 2 SCC 453]
above the Joint Secretary level are bestowed with crucial decision making
responsibilities. Citing Kripalu Shankar51 and the speech of the then
Minister of Law and Justice, he submits that people in decision making
process need to be given an environment to take decisions without any
undue extraneous pressure. He relies upon P. Sirajuddin52 to highlight the
observations of this Court that lodging of FIR against a government official
especially, one who occupies top position in a department, even if
baseless, would do incalculable harm not only to the officer in particular, but
to the department he belongs to, in general.
33. Mr. K.V. Viswanathan has highlighted that corruption has two
aspects: (a) aspect related to decision making – abuse of position,
pecuniary loss to the Government etc. and (b) aspect of illegal pecuniary
gain – bribery etc. That abuse of position in order to come within the
mischief of corruption must necessarily be dishonest so that it may be
proved that the officer caused deliberate loss to the department. Mere
violation of codal provisions, or ordinary norms of procedural behaviour
does not amount to corruption. He cites decisions of this Court in S.P.
Bhatnagar53, Major S. K. Kale54, C. Chenga Reddy55 and Abdulla
Mohammed Pagarkar56.
51 State of Bihar & Ors. v. Kripalu Shankar & Ors.; [(1987) 3 SCC 34]
52 P. Sirajuddin, etc. v. State of Madras, etc.; [(1970) 1 SCC 595]
53 S.P. Bhatnagar v. State of Maharashtra; [(1979) 1 SCC 535]
54 Major S. K. Kale v. State of Maharashtra; [(1977) 2 SCC 394]
55 C. Chenga Reddy & Ors. v. State of A.P.; [(1996) 10 SCC 193]
56 Abdulla Mohammed Pagarkar v. State (UT of Goa, Daman & Diu); [(1980) 3 SCC 110]
34. Learned Additional Solicitor General submits that the State is
the first victim of corruption and the executive is in the best position to
adjudge whether it has been a victim of corruption. Section 6-A has been
enacted to protect the decision making process of the executive from undue
harassment and exercise of police powers by CBI. He cites the judgment of
this Court in A.R. Antulay57.
35. Mr. K.V. Viswanathan has referred to other provisions under
law providing for the aggrieved authority to take a decision whether the
offence has been made out or not. In this regard, he has invited our
attention to Section 195 of Cr.P.C. and the decision of this Court in Patel
Laljibhai Somabhai58. He also referred to Section 340 of Cr.P.C. which
allows the court to adjudge whether perjury was committed, and if it was,
then whether it required prosecution. He relies upon the decision of this
Court in Iqbal Singh Marwah59.
36. Citing Manohar Lal Sharma4, learned Additional Solicitor
General submits that even in a court monitored investigation, the concerned
officer could approach the concerned court for an opportunity to be heard.
Moreover, in Manohar Lal Sharma4, this court has noticed the office
memorandum dated 26.09.2011 approving the recommendations made by
the Group of Ministers which provides inter alia for the concerned authority
57 R.S. Nayak v. A.R. Antulay; [(1984) 2 SCC 183]
58 Patel Laljibhai Somabhai v. State of Gujarat [(1971) 2 SCC 376]
59 Iqbal Singh Marwah & Anr. v. Meenakshi Marwah & Anr.; [(2005) 4 SCC 370]
to give reasons for granting/rejecting sanction under Section 6-A. He
submits that when there is denial of sanction order under Section 6-A, such
order of the Central Government could be challenged in a writ petition
before a High Court. He says that United Nations recognizes such a
protection as Section 6-A in Article 30 of the UN Convention against
Principles applicable to Article 14
37. Article 14 reads:
“14. Equality before law.—The State shall not deny to any
person equality before the law or the equal protection of the
laws within the territory of India.”
38. The first part of Article 14, which was adopted from the Irish
Constitution, is a declaration of equality of the civil rights of all persons
within the territories of India. It enshrines a basic principle of
republicanism. The second part, which is a corollary of the first and is
based on the last clause of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment
of the American Constitution, enjoins that equal protection shall be secured
to all such persons in the enjoyment of their rights and liberties without
discrimination of favouritism. It is a pledge of the protection of equal laws,
that is, laws that operate alike on all persons under like circumstances12.
39. Article 14 of the Constitution incorporates concept of equality
and equal protection of laws. The provisions of Article 14 have engaged
the attention of this Court from time to time. The plethora of cases dealing
with Article 14 has culled out principles applicable to aspects which
commonly arise under this Article. Among those, may be mentioned, the
decisions of this Court in Chiranjit Lal Chowdhuri60, F.N. Balsara61, Anwar
Ali Sarkar62, Kathi Raning Rawat63, Lachmandas Kewalram Ahuja64, Syed
Qasim Razvi65, Habeeb Mohamed66, Kedar Nath Bajoria67 and innovated to
even associate the members of this Court to contribute their V.M. Syed
Mohammad & Company68. The most of the above decisions were
considered in Budhan Choudhry69. This Court exposited the ambit and
scope of Article 14 in Budhan Choudhry69 as follows:
“It is now well-established that while article 14 forbids class
legislation, it does not forbid reasonable classification for the
purposes of legislation. In order, however, to pass the test of
permissible classification two conditions must be fulfilled, namely,
(i) that the classification must be founded on an intelligible
differentia which distinguishes persons or things that are grouped
together from others left out of the group, and (ii) that differentia
must have a rational relation to the object sought to be achieved by
the statute in question. The classification may be founded on
different bases; namely, geographical, or according to objects or
occupations or the like. What is necessary is that there must be a
nexus between the basis of classification and the object of the Act
under consideration. It is also well-established by the decisions of
this Court that article 14 condemns discrimination not only by a
substantive law but also by a law of procedure.”
60 Chiranjit Lal Chowdhuri v. Union of India & Ors.; [(1950) SCR 869]
61 State of Bombay & Anr. v. F. N. Balsara; [(1951) SCR 682]
62 State of West Bengal v. Anwar Ali Sarkar[(1952) SCR 284]
63 Kathi Raning Rawat v. State of Saurashtra [1952 SCR 435]
64 Lachmandas Kewalram Ahuja v. State of Bombay [1952 SCR 710]
65 Syed Qasim Razvi v. State of Hyderabad & Ors. [(1953) 4 SCR 589)
66 Habeeb Mohamed v. State of Hyderabad [1953 SCR 661]
67 Kedar Nath Bajoria v. State of West Bengal [(1954) SCR 30]
68 V.M. Syed Mohammad & Company v. State of Andhra Pradesh [(1954) SCR 1117]
69 Budhan Choudhry & Ors. v. State of Bihar [(1955) 1 SCR 1045]
40. In Ram Krishna Dalmia41, the Constitution Bench of five
Judges further culled out the following principles enunciated in the above
cases –
“(a) that a law may be constitutional even though it relates to a
single individual if, on account of some special circumstances or
reasons applicable to him and not applicable to others, that single
individual may be treated as a class by himself;
(b) that there is always a presumption in favour of the
constitutionality of an enactment and the burden is upon him who
attacks it to show that there has been a clear transgression of the
constitutional principles;
(c) that it must be presumed that the legislature understands
and correctly appreciates the need of its own people, that its laws
are directed to problems made manifest by experience and that its
discriminations are based on adequate grounds;
(d) that the legislature is free to recognise degrees of harm and
may confine its restrictions to those cases where the need is
deemed to be the clearest;
(e) that in order to sustain the presumption of constitutionality
the court may take into consideration matters of common
knowledge, matters of common report, the history of the times and
may assume every state of facts which can be conceived existing
at the time of legislation; and
(f) that while good faith and knowledge of the existing conditions
on the part of a legislature are to be presumed, if there is nothing
on the face of the law or the surrounding circumstances brought to
the notice of the court on which the classification may reasonably
be regarded as based, the presumption of constitutionality cannot
be carried to the extent of always holding that there must be some
undisclosed and unknown reasons for subjecting certain
individuals or corporations to hostile or discriminating legislation.”
41. In Ram Krishna Dalmia41, it was emphasized that the above
principles will have to be constantly borne in mind by the court when it is
called upon to adjudge the constitutionality of any particular law attacked
as discriminatory and violative of the equal protection of laws.
42. Having culled out the above principles, the Constitution Bench
in Ram Krishna Dalmia41, further observed that statute which may come up
for consideration on the question of its validity under Article 14 of the
Constitution may be placed in one or other of the following five classes:
“(i) A statute may itself indicate the persons or things to whom
its provisions are intended to apply and the basis of the
classification of such persons or things may appear on the face of
the statute or may be gathered from the surrounding circumstances
known to or brought to the notice of the court. In determining the
validity or otherwise of such a statute the court has to examine
whether such classification is or can be reasonably regarded as
based upon some differentia which distinguishes such persons or
things grouped together from those left out of the group and
whether such differentia has a reasonable relation to the object
sought to be achieved by the statute, no matter whether the
provisions of the statute are intended to apply only to a particular
person or thing or only to a certain class of persons or things.
Where the court finds that the classification satisfies the tests, the
court will uphold the validity of the law.
(ii) A statute may direct its provisions against one individual
person or thing or to several individual persons or things but no
reasonable basis of classification may appear on the face of it or
be deducible from the surrounding circumstances, or matters of
common knowledge. In such a case the court will strike down the
law as an instance of naked discrimination.
(iii) A statute may not make any classification of the persons or
things for the purpose of applying its provisions but may leave it to
the discretion of the Government to select and classify persons or
things to whom its provisions are to apply. In determining the
question of the validity or otherwise of such a statute the court will
not strike down the law out of hand only because no classification
appears on its face or because a discretion is given to the
Government to make the selection or classification but will go on to
examine and ascertain if the statute has laid down any principle or
policy for the guidance of the exercise of discretion by the
Government in the matter of the selection or classification. After
such scrutiny the court will strike down the statute if it does not lay
down any principle or policy for guiding the exercise of discretion
by the Government in the matter of selection or classification, on
the ground that the statute provides for the delegation of arbitrary
and uncontrolled power to the Government so as to enable it to
discriminate between persons or things similarly situate and that,
therefore, the discrimination is inherent in the statute itself. In such
a case the court will strike down both the law as well as the
executive action taken under such law.
(iv) A statute may not make a classification of the persons or
things for the purpose of applying its provisions and may leave it to
the discretion of the Government to select and classify the persons
or things to whom its provisions are to apply but may at the same
time lay down a policy or principle for the guidance of the exercise
of discretion by the Government in the matter of such selection or
(v) A statute may not make a classification of the persons or
things to whom their provisions are intended to apply and leave it
to the discretion of the Government to select or classify the
persons or things for applying those provisions according to the
policy or the principle laid down by the statute itself for guidance of
the exercise of discretion by the Government in the matter of such
selection or classification. If the Government in making the
selection or classification does not proceed on or follow such policy
or principle, then in such a case the executive action but not the
statute should be condemned as unconstitutional.”
43. In Vithal Rao17, the five-Judge Constitution Bench had an
occasion to consider the test of reasonableness under Article 14 of the
Constitution. It noted that the State can make a reasonable classification
for the purpose of legislation and that the classification in order to be
reasonable must satisfy two tests: (i) the classification must be founded on
intelligible differentia and (ii) the differentia must have a rational relation
with the object sought to be achieved by the legislation in question. The
Court emphasized that in this regard object itself should be lawful and it
cannot be discriminatory. If the object is to discriminate against one
section of the minority, the discrimination cannot be justified on the ground
that there is a reasonable classification because it has rational relation to
the object sought to be achieved.
44. The constitutionality of Special Courts Bill, 1978 came up for
consideration in re. Special Courts Bill, 197812 as the President of India
made a reference to this Court under Article 143(1) of the Constitution for
consideration of the question whether the “Special Courts Bill” or any of its
provisions, if enacted would be constitutionally invalid. The seven Judge
Constitution Bench dealt with the scope of Article 14 of the Constitution.
Noticing the earlier decisions of this Court in Budhan Choudhry69, Ram
Krishna Dalmia41, C.I. Emden70, Kangsari Haldar71, Jyoti Pershad49 and
Ambica Mills Ltd.72, in the majority judgment the then Chief Justice Y.V.
Chandrachud, inter alia, exposited the following propositions relating to
Article 14:
“(1) xxx xxx xxx
(2) The State, in the exercise of its governmental power, has of
necessity to make laws operating differently on different groups or
classes of persons within its territory to attain particular ends in
giving effect to its policies, and it must possess for that purpose
large powers of distinguishing and classifying persons or things to
be subjected to such laws.
70 C.I. Emden v. State of U.P.; [(1960) 2 SCR 592]
71 Kangsari Haldar & Anr. v. State of West Bengal; [(1960) 2 SCR 646]
72 State of Gujarat & Anr. v. Shri Ambica Mills Ltd., Ahmedabad & Anr.; [(1974) 3 SCR 760]
(3) The constitutional command to the State to afford equal
protection of its laws sets a goal not attainable by the invention and
application of a precise formula. Therefore, classification need not
be constituted by an exact or scientific exclusion or inclusion of
persons or things. The courts should not insist on delusive
exactness or apply doctrinaire tests for determining the validity of
classification in any given case. Classification is justified if it is not
palpably arbitrary.
(4) The principle underlying the guarantee of Article 14 is not that
the same rules of law should be applicable to all persons within the
Indian territory or that the same remedies should be made
available to them irrespective of differences of circumstances. It
only means that all persons similarly circumstanced shall be
treated alike both in privileges conferred and liabilities imposed.
Equal laws would have to be applied to all in the same situation,
and there should be no discrimination between one person and
another if as regards the subject-matter of the legislation their
position is substantially the same.
(5) By the process of classification, the State has the power of
determining who should be regarded as a class for purposes of
legislation and in relation to a law enacted on a particular subject.
This power, no doubt, in some degree is likely to produce some
inequality; but if a law deals with the liberties of a number of welldefined
classes, it is not open to the charge of denial of equal
protection on the ground that it has no application to other persons.
Classification thus means segregation in classes which have a
systematic relation, usually found in common properties and
characteristics. It postulates a rational basis and does not mean
herding together of certain persons and classes arbitrarily.
(6) The law can make and set apart the classes according to the
needs and exigencies of the society and as suggested by
experience. It can recognise even degree of evil, but the
classification should never be arbitrary, artificial or evasive.
(7) The classification must not be arbitrary but must be rational,
that is to say, it must not only be based on some qualities or
characteristics which are to be found in all the persons grouped
together and not in others who are left out but those qualities or
characteristics must have a reasonable relation to the object of the
legislation. In order to pass the test, two conditions must be
fulfilled, namely, (1) that the classification must be founded on an
intelligible differentia which distinguishes those that are grouped
together from others and (2) that that differentia must have a
rational relation to the object sought to be achieved by the Act.
(8) The differentia which is the basis of the classification and the
object of the Act are distinct things and what is necessary is that
there must be a nexus between them. In short, while Article 14
forbids class discrimination by conferring privileges or imposing
liabilities upon persons arbitrarily selected out of a large number of
other persons similarly situated in relation to the privileges sought
to be conferred or the liabilities proposed to be imposed, it does
not forbid classification for the purpose of legislation, provided
such classification is not arbitrary in the sense above mentioned.
(9) If the legislative policy is clear and definite and as an effective
method of carrying out that policy a discretion is vested by the
statute upon a body of administrators or officers to make selective
application of the law to certain classes or groups of persons, the
statute itself cannot be condemned as a piece of discriminatory
legislation. In such cases, the power given to the executive body
would import a duty on it to classify the subject-matter of legislation
in accordance with the objective indicated in the statute. If the
administrative body proceeds to classify persons or things on a
basis which has no rational relation to the objective of the
Legislature, its action can be annulled as offending against the
equal protection clause. On the other hand, if the statute itself does
not disclose a definite policy or objective and it confers authority on
another to make selection at its pleasure, the statute would be held
on the face of it to be discriminatory, irrespective of the way in
which it is applied.
(10) Whether a law conferring discretionary powers on an
administrative authority is constitutionally valid or not should not be
determined on the assumption that such authority will act in an
arbitrary manner in exercising the discretion committed to it. Abuse
of power given by law does occur; but the validity of the law cannot
be contested because of such an apprehension. Discretionary
power is not necessarily a discriminatory power.
(11) Classification necessarily implies the making of a distinction or
discrimination between persons classified and those who are not
members of that class. It is the essence of a classification that
upon the class are cast duties and burdens different from those
resting upon the general public. Indeed, the very idea of
classification is that of inequality, so that it goes without saying that
the mere fact of inequality in no manner determines the matter of
(12) Whether an enactment providing for special procedure for the
trial of certain offences is or is not discriminatory and violative of
Article 14 must be determined in each case as it arises, for, no
general rule applicable to all cases can safely be laid down. A
practical assessment of the operation of the law in the particular
circumstances is necessary.
(13) A rule of procedure laid down by law comes as much within
the purview of Article 14 as any rule of substantive law and it is
necessary that all litigants, who are similarly situated, are able to
avail themselves of the same procedural rights for relief and for
defence with like protection and without discrimination.”
45. In Nergesh Meerza16, the three-Judge Bench of this Court
while dealing with constitutional validity of Regulation 46(i)(c) of Air India
Employees’ Service Regulations (referred to as ‘A.I. Regulations’) held that
certain conditions mentioned in the Regulations may not be violative of
Article 14 on the ground of discrimination but if it is proved that the
conditions laid down are entirely unreasonable and absolutely arbitrary,
then the provisions will have to be struck down. With regard to due
process clause in the American Constitution and Article 14 of our
Constitution, this Court referred to Anwar Ali Sarkar62, and observed that
the due process clause in the American Constitution could not apply to our
Constitution. The Court also referred to A.S. Krishna73 wherein
Venkatarama Ayyar, J. observed: “The law would thus appear to be based
on the due process clause, and it is extremely doubtful whether it can have
application under our Constitution.”
73 A.S. Krishna v. State of Madras; [1957 S.C.R. 399]
46. In D.S. Nakara7, the Constitution Bench of this Court had an
occasion to consider the scope, content and meaning of Article 14. The
Court referred to earlier decisions of this Court and in para 15 (pages 317-
318), the Court observed:
“Thus the fundamental principle is that Article 14 forbids class
legislation but permits reasonable classification for the purpose of
legislation which classification must satisfy the twin tests of
classification being founded on an intelligible differentia which
distinguishes persons or things that are grouped together from
those that are left out of the group and that differentia must have a
rational nexus to the object sought to be achieved by the statute in
47. In E.P. Royappa26, it has been held by this Court that the basic
principle which informs both Articles 14 and 16 are equality and inhibition
against discrimination. This Court observed in para 85 (page 38 of the
report) as under:
“….From a positivistic point of view, equality is antithetic to
arbitrariness. In fact equality and arbitrariness are sworn enemies;
one belongs to the rule of law in a republic while the other, to the
whim and caprice of an absolute monarch. Where an act is
arbitrary, it is implicit in it that it is unequal both according to
political logic and constitutional law and is therefore violative of
Article 14, and if it affects any matter relating to public employment,
it is also violative of Article 16. Articles 14 and 16 strike at
arbitrariness in State action and ensure fairness and equality of
Court’s approach
48. Where there is challenge to the constitutional validity of a law
enacted by the legislature, the Court must keep in view that there is always
a presumption of constitutionality of an enactment, and a clear
transgression of constitutional principles must be shown. The fundamental
nature and importance of the legislative process needs to be recognized by
the Court and due regard and deference must be accorded to the
legislative process. Where the legislation is sought to be challenged as
being unconstitutional and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution, the
Court must remind itself to the principles relating to the applicability of
Article 14 in relation to invalidation of legislation. The two dimensions of
Article 14 in its application to legislation and rendering legislation invalid
are now well recognized and these are (i) discrimination, based on an
impermissible or invalid classification and (ii) excessive delegation of
powers; conferment of uncanalised and unguided powers on the executive,
whether in the form of delegated legislation or by way of conferment of
authority to pass administrative orders – if such conferment is without any
guidance, control or checks, it is violative of Article 14 of the Constitution.
The Court also needs to be mindful that a legislation does not become
unconstitutional merely because there is another view or because another
method may be considered to be as good or even more effective, like any
issue of social, or even economic policy. It is well settled that the courts do
not substitute their views on what the policy is.
49. Several objections have been raised against this provision in
the context of Article 14. First, we shall consider the challenge against the
validity of classification which Section 6-A(1) makes and the lack of
relationship between the basis of that classification and the object which it
seeks to achieve.
50. The impugned provision, viz., Section 6-A came to be enacted
after the decision of this Court in Vineet Narain1. It is important to bear in
mind that the three-Judge Bench of this Court in Vineet Narain1 was directly
concerned with constitutional validity of the Single Directive No. 4.7(3),
which to the extent relevant for the present purposes, reads:
“4.7(3)(i) In regard to any person who is or has been a decisionmaking
level officer (Joint Secretary or equivalent or above in the
Central Government or such officers as are or have been on
deputation to a Public Sector Undertaking; officers of the Reserve
Bank of India of the level equivalent to Joint Secretary or above in
the Central Government, Executive Directors and above of the
SEBI and Chairman & Managing Director and Executive Directors
and such of the bank officers who are one level below the Board of
Nationalised Banks), there should be prior sanction of the
Secretary of the Ministry/Department concerned before SPE takes
up any enquiry (PE or RC), including ordering search in respect of
them. Without such sanction, no enquiry shall be initiated by the
(ii) xxx xxx xxx
(iii) xxx xxx xxx
(iv) xxx xxx xxx.”
51. The above provision contained in Single Directive 4.7(3)(i) was
sought to be justified by the learned Attorney General in Vineet Narain1 on
the ground that the officers at the decision making level need the protection
against malicious or vexatious investigations in respect of honest decisions
taken by them. Learned Attorney General in Vineet Narain1 submitted that
such a structure to regulate the grant of sanction by a high authority
together with a time-frame to avoid any delay was sufficient to make the
procedure reasonable and to provide for an objective decision being taken
for the grant of sanction within the specified time. It was urged that refusal
of sanction would enable judicial review of that decision in case of any
52. This Court in Vineet Narain1 took notice of the report submitted
by IRC, which recorded:
“In the past several years, there has been progressive increase in
allegations of corruption involving public servants. Understandably,
cases of this nature have attracted heightened media and public
attention. A general impression appears to have gained ground
that the Central investigating agencies concerned are subject to
extraneous pressures and have been indulging in dilatory tactics in
not bringing the guilty to book. The decisions of higher courts to
directly monitor investigations in certain cases have added to the
aforesaid belief.”
53. The Court then discussed the earlier decisions of this Court in
J.A.C. Saldanha74 and K. Veeraswami25 and also the provisions of the
DSPE Act and held that: “Powers of investigation which are governed by
the statutory provisions and they cannot be curtailed by any executive
instruction.” Having said that, this Court stated that the law did not classify
74 State of Bihar & Anr. v. J.A.C. Saldanha & Ors.; [(1980) 1 SCC 554]
offenders differently for treatment thereunder, including investigation of
offences and prosecution for offences, according to their status in life.
Every person accused of committing the same offence is to be dealt with in
the same manner in accordance with law, which is equal in its application
to everyone. The Single Directive is applicable only to certain persons
above the specified level who are described as decision-making officers.
Negativing that any distinction can be made for them for the purpose of
investigation of an offence of which they are accused, this Court in
paragraphs 45 and 46 held as under:
“45. Obviously, where the accusation of corruption is based on
direct evidence and it does not require any inference to be drawn
dependent on the decision-making process, there is no rational
basis to classify them differently. In other words, if the accusation
be of bribery which is supported by direct evidence of acceptance
of illegal gratification by them, including trap cases, it is obvious
that no other factor is relevant and the level or status of the
offender is irrelevant. It is for this reason that it was conceded that
such cases, i.e., of bribery, including trap cases, are outside the
scope of the Single Directive. After some debate at the Bar, no
serious attempt was made by the learned Attorney General to
support inclusion within the Single Directive of cases in which the
offender is alleged to be in possession of disproportionate assets.
It is clear that the accusation of possession of disproportionate
assets by a person is also based on direct evidence and no factor
pertaining to the expertise of decision-making is involved therein.
We have, therefore, no doubt that the Single Directive cannot
include within its ambit cases of possession of disproportionate
assets by the offender. The question now is only with regard to
cases other than those of bribery, including trap cases, and of
possession of disproportionate assets being covered by the Single
46. There may be other cases where the accusation cannot be
supported by direct evidence and is a matter of inference of corrupt
motive for the decision, with nothing to prove directly any illegal
gain to the decision-maker. Those are cases in which the inference
drawn is that the decision must have been made for a corrupt
motive because the decision could not have been reached
otherwise by an officer at that level in the hierarchy. This is,
therefore, an area where the opinion of persons with requisite
expertise in decision-making of that kind is relevant and, may be
even decisive in reaching the conclusion whether the allegation
requires any investigation to be made. In view of the fact that the
CBI or the police force does not have the expertise within its fold
for the formation of the requisite opinion in such cases, the need
for the inclusion of such a mechanism comprising of experts in the
field as a part of the infrastructure of the CBI is obvious, to decide
whether the accusation made discloses grounds for a reasonable
suspicion of the commission of an offence and it requires
investigation. In the absence of any such mechanism within the
infrastructure of the CBI, comprising of experts in the field who can
evaluate the material for the decision to be made, introduction
therein of a body of experts having expertise of the kind of
business which requires the decision to be made, can be
appreciated. But then, the final opinion is to be of the CBI with the
aid of that advice and not that of anyone else. It would be more
appropriate to have such a body within the infrastructure of the CBI
54. This Court, accordingly, declared Single Directive 4.7(3)(i)
being invalid.
55. Section 6-A replicates Single Directive 4.7(3)(i), which was
struck down by this Court. The only change is that executive instruction is
replaced by the legislation. Now, insofar as the vice that was pointed out
by this Court that powers of investigation which are governed by the
statutory provisions under the DSPE Act and they cannot be estopped or
curtailed by any executive instruction issued under Section 4(1) of that Act
is concerned, it has been remedied. But the question remains, and that is
what has been raised in these matters, whether Section 6-A meets the
touchstone of Article 14 of the Constitution.
56. Can classification be made creating a class of the government
officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above level and certain officials
in public sector undertakings for the purpose of inquiry/investigation into an
offence alleged to have been committed under the PC Act, 1988? Or, to put
it differently, can classification be made on the basis of the status/position
of the public servant for the purpose of inquiry/investigation into the
allegation of graft which amounts to an offence under the PC Act, 1988?
Can the Legislature lay down different principles for investigation/inquiry
into the allegations of corruption for the public servants who hold a
particular position? Is such classification founded on sound differentia? To
answer these questions, we should eschew the doctrinaire approach.
Rather, we should test the validity of impugned classification by broad
considerations having regard to the legislative policy relating to prevention
of corruption enacted in the PC Act, 1988 and the powers of
inquiry/investigation under the DSPE Act.
57. The Constitution permits the State to determine, by the
process of classification, what should be regarded as a class for purposes
of legislation and in relation to law enacted on a particular subject. There
is bound to be some degree of inequality when there is segregation of one
class from the other. However, such segregation must be rational and not
artificial or evasive. In other words, the classification must not only be
based on some qualities or characteristics, which are to be found in all
persons grouped together and not in others who are left out but those
qualities or characteristics must have a reasonable relation to the object of
the legislation. Differentia which is the basis of classification must be
sound and must have reasonable relation to the object of the legislation. If
the object itself is discriminatory, then explanation that classification is
reasonable having rational relation to the object sought to be achieved is
58. It seems to us that classification which is made in Section 6-A
on the basis of status in the Government service is not permissible under
Article 14 as it defeats the purpose of finding prima facie truth into the
allegations of graft, which amount to an offence under the PC Act, 1988.
Can there be sound differentiation between corrupt public servants based
on their status? Surely not, because irrespective of their status or position,
corrupt public servants are corrupters of public power. The corrupt public
servants, whether high or low, are birds of the same feather and must be
confronted with the process of investigation and inquiry equally. Based on
the position or status in service, no distinction can be made between public
servants against whom there are allegations amounting to an offence under
the PC Act, 1988.
59. Corruption is an enemy of the nation and tracking down corrupt
public servants and punishing such persons is a necessary mandate of the
PC Act, 1988. It is difficult to justify the classification which has been made
in Section 6-A because the goal of law in the PC Act, 1988 is to meet
corruption cases with a very strong hand and all public servants are warned
through such a legislative measure that corrupt public servants have to
face very serious consequences. In the words of Mathew, J. in Ambica
Mills Ltd.72, “The equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection
of equal laws. But laws may classify…… A reasonable classification is one
which includes all who are similarly situated and none who are not”.
Mathew, J., while explaining the meaning of the words, ‘similarly situated’
stated that we must look beyond the classification to the purpose of the
law. The purpose of a law may be either the elimination of a public mischief
or the achievement of some positive public good. The classification made
in Section 6-A neither eliminates public mischief nor achieves some
positive public good. On the other hand, it advances public mischief and
protects the crime-doer. The provision thwarts an independent,
unhampered, unbiased, efficient and fearless inquiry / investigation to track
down the corrupt public servants.
60. The essence of police investigation is skilful inquiry and
collection of material and evidence in a manner by which the
potential culpable individuals are not forewarned. The previous approval
from the Government necessarily required under Section 6-A would result
in indirectly putting to notice the officers to be investigated before
commencement of investigation. Moreover, if the CBI is not even
allowed to verify complaints by preliminary enquiry, how can the case
move forward? A preliminary enquiry is intended to ascertain whether a
prima facie case for investigation is made out or not. If CBI is prevented
from holding a preliminary enquiry, at the very threshold, a fetter is put to
enable the CBI to gather relevant material. As a matter of fact, the CBI is
not able to collect the material even to move the Government for the
purpose of obtaining previous approval from the Central Government.
61. It is important to bear in mind that as per the CBI Manual,
(Paragraph 9.10) a preliminary enquiry relating to allegations of bribery and
corruption should be limited to the scrutiny of records and interrogation of
bare minimum persons which being necessary to judge whether there is
any substance in the allegations which are being enquired into and whether
the case is worth pursuing further or not. Even this exercise of scrutiny of
records and gathering relevant information to find out whether the case is
worth pursuing further or not is not possible. In the criminal justice system,
the inquiry and investigation into an offence is the domain of the police. The
very power of CBI to enquire and investigate into the allegations of bribery
and corruption against a certain class of public servants and officials in
public undertakings is subverted and impinged by Section 6-A.
62. The justification for having such classification is founded
principally on the statement made by the then Minister of Law and Justice
that if no protection is to be given to the officers, who take the decisions and
make discretions, then anybody can file a complaint and an inspector of the
CBI or the police can raid their houses any moment. If this elementary
protection is not given to the senior decision makers, they would not tender
honest advice to political executives. Such senior officers then may play
safe and give non-committal advice affecting the governance. The
justification for classification in Section 6-A is also put forth on the basis of
the report of the Joint Parliamentary Committee to which CVC Bill, 1999
was referred particularly at the question relating to Clause 27 regarding
amendment of the DSPE Act (the provision which is now Section 6-A). The
Joint Parliamentary Committee, in this regard noted as follows:
“The Committee note that many witnesses who
appeared before the Committee had expressed the
need to protect the bonafide actions at the decision
making level. At present there is no provision in the Bill
for seeking prior approval of the Commission or the
head of the Department etc. for registering a case
against a person of the decision making level. As such,
no protection is available to the persons at the decision
making level. In this regard, the Committee note that
earlier, the prior approval of the Government was
required in the form of a ‘Single Directive’ which was set
aside by the Supreme Court. The Committee feel that
such a protection should be restored in the same format
which was there earlier and desire that the power of
giving prior approval for taking action against a senior
officer of the decision making level should be vested
with the Central Government by making appropriate
provision in the Act. The Committee, therefore,
recommend that Clause 27 of the Bill accordingly
amended so as to insert a new section 6A to the DSPE
Act, 1946, to this effect.”
63. As a matter of fact, the justification for Section 6-A which has
been put forth before us on behalf of the Central Government was the
justification for Single Directive 4.7(3)(i) in Vineet Narain1 as well.
However, the Court was unable to persuade itself with the same. In Vineet
Narain1 in respect of Single Directive 4.7(3)(i), the Court said that every
person accused of committing the same offence is to be dealt with in the
same manner in accordance with law, which is equal in its application to
everyone. We are in agreement with the above observation in Vineet
Narain1, which, in our opinion, equally applies to Section 6-A. In Vineet
Narain1, this Court did not accept the argument that the Single Directive is
applicable only to certain class of officers above the specified level who
are decision making officers and a distinction can be made for them for the
purpose of investigation of an offence of which they are accused. We are
also clearly of the view that no distinction can be made for certain class of
officers specified in Section 6-A who are described as decision making
officers for the purpose of inquiry/investigation into an offence under the PC
Act, 1988. There is no rational basis to classify the two sets of public
servants differently on the ground that one set of officers is decision making
officers and not the other set of officers. If there is an accusation of bribery,
graft, illegal gratification or criminal misconduct against a public servant,
then we fail to understand as to how the status of offender is of any
relevance. Where there are allegations against a public servant which
amount to an offence under the PC Act, 1988, no factor pertaining to
expertise of decision making is involved. Yet, Section 6-A makes a
distinction. It is this vice which renders Section 6-A violative of Article 14.
Moreover, the result of the impugned legislation is that the very group of
persons, namely, high ranking bureaucrats whose misdeeds and
illegalities may have to be inquired into, would decide whether the
CBI should even start an inquiry or investigation against them or not.
There will be no confidentiality and insulation of the investigating agency
from political and bureaucratic control and influence because the approval
is to be taken from the Central Government which would involve leaks
and disclosures at every stage.
64. It is true that sub-Section (2) of Section 6-A has taken care of
observations of this Court in Vineet Narain1 insofar as trap cases are
concerned. It also takes care of the infirmity pointed out by this Court that
in the absence of any statutory requirement of prior permission or sanction
for investigation, it cannot be imposed as a condition precedent for
initiation of investigation, but, Section 6-A continues to suffer from the other
two infirmities which this Court noted concerning Single Directive, viz.; (a)
where inference is to be drawn that the decision must have been for corrupt
motive and direct evidence is not there, the expertise to take decision
whether to proceed or not in such cases should be with the CBI itself and
not with the Central Government and (b) in any event the final decision to
commence investigation into the offences must be of the CBI with the
internal aid and advice and not of anybody else. Section 6-A also suffers
from the vice of classifying offenders differently for treatment thereunder for
inquiry and investigation of offences, according to their status in life. Every
person accused of committing the same offence is to be dealt with in the
same manner in accordance with law, which is equal in its application to
65. Way back in 1993, the Central Government constituted a
Committee under the Chairmanship of the former Home Secretary (Shri
N.N. Vohra) to take stock of all available information about the activities of
the crime syndicates/mafia organizations, which had developed links with
and were being permitted by Government functionaries and political
personalities. In para 14.3 of the report, the Committee has observed that
linkages of crime syndicate with senior Government functionaries or
political leaders in the States or at the Centre could have a destabilizing
effect on the functioning of the Government. The report paints a frightening
picture of criminal-bureaucratic-political nexus – a network of high level
corruption. The impugned provision puts this nexus in a position to block
inquiry and investigation by CBI by conferring the power of previous
approval on the Central Government.
66. A class of Central Government employees has been created in
Section 6-A inasmuch as it offers protection to a class of the Government
officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above to whom DSPE Act
applies but no such protection is available to the officers of the same level,
who are posted in various States. This position is accepted by CBI. Mr.
Sidharth Luthra, learned Additional Solicitor General placed before us the
following questions and answers to clarify the legal position:
“Question No.1 : Whether an officer of the public sector
bank / public sector undertaking of Central
Govt. in the rank of Joint Secretary and
above while posting in the State and
alleged to have committed an offence under
P.C. Act, can be investigated by State
Police or CBI?
Answer No.1 : Yes, both State Police and CBI have
jurisdiction under P.C. Act over such
officers. The jurisdiction of CBI is,
however, subject to Section 6(A) of DSPE
Act and consent of the State Govt. u/s 6 of
the DSPE Act, 1946.
Question No.2 : Whether an employee of All India Service
i.e. IPS, IAS and Indian Forest Services
while posted in the State Govt. at the JS
level and above can claim protection under
Answer No.2 : No, as the very wording of Section 6(A)
mentions only the employees of the Central
Question No.3 : Whether in a Union Territory, the State
Police and the CBI will have concurrent
jurisdiction over employees of Central Govt.
for PC Act offences?
Answer No.3 : Yes, both the State UT Police and CBI
have jurisdiction over Central Govt.
employees under P.C. Act. Section 6(A) of
DSPE Act is operative for CBI for officers of
the level of JS and above.
Question No.4 : What will be the position regarding
employees of the Central Govt. in the Allied
/ Central Civil Services such as Indian
Revenue Service, Postal Service etc. Who
are working in the territory of the State but
not posted in the State?
Answer No.4 ; Yes, both State Police and CBI have
jurisdiction under P.C. Act over such
officers. The jurisdiction of CBI is, however,
subject to Section 6(A) of DSPE Act and
consent of the State Govt. u/s 6 of the
DSPE Act, 1946.”
67. Can it be said that the classification is based on intelligible
differentia when one set of bureaucrats of Joint Secretary level and above
who are working with the Central Government are offered protection under
Section 6-A while the same level of officers who are working in the States
do not get protection though both classes of these officers are accused of
an offence under PC Act, 1988 and inquiry / investigation into such
allegations is to be carried out. Our answer is in the negative. The
provision in Section 6-A, thus, impedes tracking down the corrupt senior
bureaucrats as without previous approval of the Central Government, the
CBI cannot even hold preliminary inquiry much less an investigation into the
allegations. The protection in Section 6-A has propensity of shielding the
corrupt. The object of Section 6-A, that senior public servants of the level
of Joint Secretary and above who take policy decision must not be put to
any harassment, side-tracks the fundamental objective of the PC Act, 1988
to deal with corruption and act against senior public servants. The CBI is
not able to proceed even to collect the material to unearth prima facie
substance into the merits of allegations. Thus, the object of Section 6-A
itself is discriminatory. That being the position, the discrimination cannot be
justified on the ground that there is a reasonable classification because it
has rational relation to the object sought to be achieved.
68. The signature tune in Vineet Narain1 is, “However high you may
be, the law is above you.” We reiterate the same. Section 6-A offends this
signature tune and effectively Article 14.
69. Undoubtedly, every differentiation is not a discrimination but at
the same time, differentiation must be founded on pertinent and real
differences as distinguished from irrelevant and artificial ones. A simple
physical grouping which separates one category from the other without any
rational basis is not a sound or intelligible differentia. The separation or
segregation must have a systematic relation and rational basis and the
object of such segregation must not be discriminatory. Every public servant
against whom there is reasonable suspicion of commission of crime or
there are allegations of an offence under the PC Act, 1988 has to be treated
equally and similarly under the law. Any distinction made between them on
the basis of their status or position in service for the purposes of inquiry /
investigation is nothing but an artificial one and offends Article 14.
70. Office of public power cannot be the workshop of personal
gain. The probity in public life is of great importance. How can two public
servants against whom there are allegations of corruption or graft or bribetaking
or criminal misconduct under the PC Act, 1988 can be made to be
treated differently because one happens to be a junior officer and the other,
a senior decision maker.
71. Corruption is an enemy of nation and tracking down corrupt
public servant, howsoever high he may be, and punishing such person is a
necessary mandate under the PC Act, 1988. The status or position of
public servant does not qualify such public servant from exemption from
equal treatment. The decision making power does not segregate corrupt
officers into two classes as they are common crime doers and have to be
tracked down by the same process of inquiry and investigation.
72. It is argued on behalf of the Central Government that now
office memorandum (dated 26.09.2011) approving the recommendations
made by the Group of Ministers has been issued which provides inter alia
for quick consideration of the request by the CBI for approval and also to
give reasons for granting / rejecting sanction under Section 6-A. It is
submitted that delay in disposal of the requests by the CBI is now taken
care of and if there is denial of sanction order under Section 6-A, such order
of the Central Government can be challenged in a writ petition before the
High Court. Such protection, it is submitted, is even recognized by United
Nations in Article 30 of the UN Convention against corruption. This aspect
has been considered by this Court in Manohar Lal Sharma4 to which we
shall refer appropriately a little later.
73. The PC Act, 1988 is a special statute and its preamble shows
that it has been enacted to consolidate and amend the law relating to the
prevention of corruption and for the matters connected therewith. It is
intended to make the corruption laws more effective by widening their
coverage and by strengthening the provisions. It came to be enacted
because Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 as amended from time to time
was inadequate to deal with the offences of corruption effectively. The new
Act now seeks to provide for speedy trial of offences punishable under the
Act in public interest as the legislature had become aware of corruption
amongst the public servants.
74. Corruption corrodes the moral fabric of the society and
corruption by public servants not only leads to corrosion of the moral fabric
of the society but also harmful to the national economy and national
interest, as the persons occupying high posts in the Government by
misusing their power due to corruption can cause considerable damage to
the national economy, national interest and image of the country75.
75. The PC Act, 1988 has also widened the scope of the definition
of the expression ‘public servant’ and incorporated offences under Sections
75 J. Jayalalitha v. Union of India & Anr.; [(1999) 5 SCC 138]
161 to 165A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). By Lokpal and Lokayuktas
Act, 2013 (Act 1 of 2014), further amendments have been made therein.
The penalties relating to the offences under Sections 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 14
have been enhanced by these amendments.
75.1 Section 7 makes taking gratification by a public servant other
than legal remuneration in respect of an official act as an offence and
provides penalties for such offence. The expressions ‘gratification’ and
‘legal remuneration’ have been explained in clauses (b) and (c) of the
Explanation appended to Section 7. Taking gratification by corrupt or
illegal means to influence public servant is an offence under Section 8
while under Section 9, taking gratification for exercise of personal influence
with a public servant is an offence. Section 10 provides for punishment for
abetment by public servant of offences defined in Section 8 or 9. Section
11 provides for an offence where a public servant obtains valuable thing
without consideration from person concerned in proceeding or business
transacted by such public servant. The punishment for abetment of
offences defined in Section 7 or 11 is provided in Section 12.
75.2 Section 13 is a provision relating to criminal misconduct by a
public servant. It reads as follows:
“13. Criminal misconduct by a public servant.- (1) A public
servant is said to commit the offence of criminal misconduct,-
(a) if he habitually accepts or obtains or agrees to accept or
attempts to obtain from any person for himself or for any
other person any gratification other than legal remuneration
as a motive or reward such as is mentioned in section 7; or
(b) if he habitually accepts or obtains or agrees to accept or
attempts to obtain for himself or for any other person, any
valuable thing without consideration or for a consideration
which he knows to be inadequate from any person whom he
knows to have been, or to be, or to be likely to be concerned
in any proceeding or business transacted or about to be
transacted by him, or having any connection with the official
functions of himself or of any public servant to whom he is
subordinate, or from any person whom he knows to be
interested in or related to the person so concerned; or
(c) if he dishonestly or fraudulently misappropriates or
otherwise converts for his own use any property entrusted to
him or under his control as a public servant or allows any
other person so to do; or
(d) if he,-
(i) by corrupt or illegal means, obtains for himself or
for any other person any valuable thing or pecuniary
advantage; or
(ii) by abusing his position as a public servant,
obtains for himself or for any other person any
valuable thing or pecuniary advantage; or
(iii) while holding office as a public servant, obtains
for any person any valuable thing or pecuniary
advantage without any public interest; or
(e) if he or any person on his behalf, is in possession or has,
at any time during the period of his office, been in
possession for which the public servant cannot satisfactorily
account, of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate
to his known sources of income.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, “known sources of
income” means income received from any lawful source and such
receipt has been intimated in accordance with the provisions of any
law, rules or orders for the time being applicable to a public
(2) Any public servant who commits criminal misconduct shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall be not less
than four years but which may extend to ten years and shall also
be liable to fine.”
75.3 Section 17 authorizes only certain level of police officers to
investigate the offences under the PC Act, 1988. An investigation into such
offences by any other police officer can be carried out only after having
proper authorization from the competent court or competent authority as
provided therein.
75.4 Section 19 mandates that no Court shall take cognizance of an
offence punishable under Sections 7, 10, 11, 13 and 15 alleged to have
been committed by a public servant except with the previous sanction as
provided in that section. Section 19 does not permit any court to take
cognizance of an offence punishable under Sections 7, 10, 11, 13 and 15 of
the PC Act, 1988 without previous sanction from the competent authority
where the offence has been committed by a public servant who is holding
the office and by misusing or abusing the powers of the office, he has
committed the offence. Section 19, thus, provides to every public servant,
irrespective of his position in service, protection from frivolous and
malicious prosecution.
76. The menace of corruption has been noticed by this Court in
Ram Singh8. The court has observed:
“Corruption, at the initial stages, was considered confined to the
bureaucracy which had the opportunities to deal with a variety of
State largesse in the form of contracts, licences and grants. Even
after the war the opportunities for corruption continued as large
amounts of government surplus stores were required to be
disposed of by the public servants. As a consequence of the wars
the shortage of various goods necessitated the imposition of
controls and extensive schemes of post-war reconstruction
involving the disbursement of huge sums of money which lay in the
control of the public servants giving them a wide discretion with the
result of luring them to the glittering shine of wealth and property.”
77. This Court in Shobha Suresh Jumani76, took judicial notice of
the fact that because of the mad race of becoming rich and acquiring
properties overnight or because of the ostentatious or vulgar show of
wealth by a few or because of change of environment in the society by
adoption of materialistic approach, there is cancerous growth of corruption
which has affected the moral standards of the people and all forms of
governmental administration.
78. The PC Act, 1988 enacts the legislative policy to meet
corruption cases with a very strong hand. All public servants are warned
through such a legislative measure that corrupt public servants have to
face very serious consequences.77
79. The two-Judge Bench of this Court observed in Sanjiv Kumar78
that the case before them had brought to the fore the rampant corruption in
the corridors of politics and bureaucracy.
76 Shobha Suresh Jumani v. Appellate Tribunal, forfeited Property and Anr; [(2001) 5 SCC 755]
77 State of A.P. v. V. Vasudeva Rao [(2004) 9 SCC 319]
78 Sanjiv Kumar v. State of Haryana and Ors. [(2005) 5 SCC 517]
80. In a comparatively recent decision of this Court in
Subramanian Swamy9, this court was concerned with the question whether
a complaint can be filed by a citizen for prosecuting the public servant for
an offence under the PC Act, 1988 and whether the authority competent to
sanction prosecution of a public servant for offences under that Act is
required to take appropriate decision within the time specified in Clause (I)
(15) of the directions contained in paragraph 58 of the judgment of this
Court in Vineet Narain1 and the guidelines issued by the Central
Government, Department of Personnel and Training and the Central
Vigilance Commission. In the supplementing judgment, A.K. Ganguly, J.
while concurring with the main judgment delivered by G.S. Singhvi, J.
“Today, corruption in our country not only poses a grave danger to
the concept of constitutional governance, it also threatens the very
foundation of the Indian democracy and the Rule of Law. The
magnitude of corruption in our public life is incompatible with the
concept of a socialist secular democratic republic. It cannot be
disputed that where corruption begins all rights end. Corruption
devalues human rights, chokes development and undermines
justice, liberty, equality, fraternity which are the core values in our
Preambular vision. Therefore, the duty of the court is that any anticorruption
law has to be interpreted and worked out in such a
fashion as to strengthen the fight against corruption……….”
Dealing with Section 19 of the PC Act, 1988 which bars a court from taking
cognizance of the cases of corruption against a public servant under
Sections 7, 10, 11, 13 and 15 of the PC Act, 1988, unless the Central or the
State Government, as the case may be, has accorded sanction observed
that this provision virtually imposes fetters on private citizens and also on
prosecutors from approaching court against corrupt public servants. Public
servants are treated as a special class of persons enjoying the said
protection so that they can perform their duties without fear and favour and
without threats of malicious prosecution but the protection against
malicious prosecution which is extended in public interest cannot become a
shield to protect corrupt officials.
81. In Balakrishna Dattatrya Kumbhar11, this Court observed that
corruption was not only a punishable offence but also, “undermines human
rights, indirectly violating them, and systematic corruption, is a human
rights’ violation in itself, as it leads to systematic economic crimes”.
82. In R.A. Mehta10, the two-Judge Bench of this Court made the
following observations about corruption in the society:
“Corruption in a society is required to be detected and eradicated
at the earliest as it shakes “the socio-economic-political system in
an otherwise healthy, wealthy, effective and vibrating society”.
Liberty cannot last long unless the State is able to eradicate
corruption from public life. Corruption is a bigger threat than
external threat to the civil society as it corrodes the vitals of our
polity and society. Corruption is instrumental in not proper
implementation and enforcement of policies adopted by the
Government. Thus, it is not merely a fringe issue but a subjectmatter
of grave concern and requires to be decisively dealt with.”
83. Now we turn to the recent decision of this Court in Manohar
Lal Sharma4. A three-Judge Bench of this Court in that case leaving the
question of constitutional validity of Section 6-A untouched and touching
upon the question whether the approval of the Central Government is
necessary under Section 6-A in a matter where the inquiry/investigation
into the crime under the PC Act, 1988 is being monitored by the Court,
speaking through one of us (R.M. Lodha, J., as he then was) on the inquiry
into allegations of corruption observed that for successful working of the
democracy it was essential that public revenues are not defrauded and
public servants do not indulge in bribery and corruption and if they do, the
allegations of corruption are to be inquired into fairly, properly and promptly
and those who are guilty are brought to book. It was observed:
“Abuse of public office for private gain has grown in scope and
scale and hit the nation badly. Corruption reduces revenue; it
slows down economic activity and holds back economic growth.
The biggest loss that may occur to the nation due to corruption is
loss of confidence in the democracy and weakening of the rule of
83.1 Madan B. Lokur, J. in his supplementing judgment dealt with
Office Memorandum dated 26th September, 2011. The relevant extract of
the Office Memorandum has been quoted in paragraph 74 of the judgment,
which reads:
“The undersigned is directed to state that the provision of
section 6-A of the DSPE Act, 1946 provides for safeguarding
senior public officials against undue and vexatious harassment
by the investigating agency. It had been observed that the
requests being made by the investigating agency under the said
provision were not being accorded due priority and the examination
of such proposals at times lacked objectivity. The matter was
under consideration of the Group of Ministers constituted to
consider measures that can be taken by the Government to tackle
The Government has accepted the following recommendation of
the Group of Ministers, as reflected in para 25 of the First Report of
the Group of Ministers, as reflected in para 25 of the first report of
the Group of Ministers:-
(a). The competent authority shall decide the
matter within three months of receipt of requests
accompanied with relevant documents.
(b). The competent authority will give a speaking
order, giving reasons for its decision.
(c) In the event a decision is taken to refuse
permission, the reasons thereof shall be put up to the
next higher authority for information within one week
of taking the decision.
(d) Since Section 6-A specifically covers officers
of the Central Government, above the rank of Joint
Secretary, the competent authority in these cases will
be the Minister in charge in the Government of India.
In such cases, intimation of refusal to grant permission
along with reasons thereof, will have to be put up to
the Prime Minister.
The above decision of the Government is
brought to the notice of all Ministries/Departments for
due adherence and strict compliance.”
83.2 The above office memorandum has not been found to be
efficacious in Manohar Lal Sharma4 as it does not effectively prevent
possible misuse of law. There is no guarantee that the time schedule
prescribed in the office memorandum shall be strictly followed. In any
case, what can CBI do if the time schedule provided in the office
memorandum is not maintained. Even otherwise, office memorandum is
not of much help in adjudging the constitutional validity of Section 6-A.
84. Learned amicus curiae highlighted that there was no
requirement of previous approval as contained in the impugned provisions
between 18.12.1997 (the date of Vineet Narain1 judgment striking down the
Single Directive) and 11.9.2003 (when Act 45 of 2003 came into force)
except the period between 25.8.1998 and 27.10.1998 when the CVC
Ordinance, 1998 was in force and till the deletions by the CVC Amendment
Ordinance, 1998. It is not the stand of the Central Government before us
nor any material is placed on record by it to suggest even remotely that
during the period when the Single Directive was not in operation or until
Section 6-A was brought on the statute book, CBI harassed any senior
government officer or investigated frivolous and vexatious complaints. The
high-pitched argument in justification of Section 6-A that senior government
officers may be unduly and unnecessarily harassed on frivolous and
vexatious complaints, therefore, does not hold water.
85. Criminal justice system mandates that any investigation into
the crime should be fair, in accordance with law and should not be tainted.
It is equally important that interested or influential persons are not able to
misdirect or highjack the investigation so as to throttle a fair investigation
resulting in the offenders escaping the punitive course of law. These are
important facets of rule of law. Breach of rule of law, in our opinion,
amounts to negation of equality under Article 14. Section 6-A fails in the
context of these facets of Article 14. The argument of Mr. L. Nageswara
Rao that rule of law is not above law and cannot be a ground for
invalidating legislations overlooks the well settled position that rule of law
is a facet of equality under Article 14 and breach of rule of law amounts to
breach of equality under Article 14 and, therefore, breach of rule of law
may be a ground for invalidating the legislation being in negation of Article
86. Section 156 of the Cr.P.C. enables any officer in charge of a
police station to investigate a cognizable offence. Insofar as noncognizable
offence is concerned, a police officer by virtue of Section 155 of
Cr.P.C. can investigate it after obtaining appropriate order from the
Magistrate having power to try such case or commit the case for trial
regardless of the status of the officer concerned. The scheme of Section
155 and Section 156 Cr.P.C. indicates that the local police may investigate
a senior Government officer without previous approval of the Central
Government. However, CBI cannot do so in view of Section 6-A. This
anomaly in fact occurred in Centre for PIL79. That was a matter in which
investigations were conducted by the local police in respect of senior
Government official without any previous approval and a challan filed in the
court of Special Judge dealing with offences under the PC Act, 1988.
Dealing with such anomaly in Centre for PIL79, Madan B. Lokur, J. in
Manohar Lal Sharma4 observed, “It is difficult to understand the logic
79 Centre for PIL and Anr. v. Union of India and Anr.; [(2011) 4 SCC 1]
behind such a dichotomy unless it is assumed that frivolous and
vexatious complaints are made only when the CBI is the investigating
agency and that it is only CBI that is capable of harassing or victimizing a
senior Government official while the local police of the State Government
does not entertain frivolous and vexatious complaints and is not capable of
harassing or victimizing a senior government official. No such assumption
can be made.” The above clearly indicates that Section 6-A has brought
an anomalous situation and the very object of the provision to give
protection to certain officers (Joint Secretary and above) in the Central
Government has been rendered discriminatory and violative of Article 14.
87. It is pertinent to notice that in Subramanian Swamy9 this Court
noted that as per supplementary written submissions tendered by the
learned Attorney General, 126 cases were awaiting sanction for
prosecution from the Central Government for periods ranging from one
year to few months. Moreover, in more than one-third of the cases of
requests for prosecution in corruption cases against public servants,
sanctions have not been accorded. Whether an enactment providing for
special procedure for a certain class of persons is or is not discriminatory
and violative of Article 14 must be determined in its own context. A
practical assessment of the operation of the law in particular circumstances
is necessary and the court can take judicial notice of existing conditions
from time to time. The scenario noted in Subramanian Swamy9 and the
facts in Telecom Watchdog5 – to illustrate the few – show that differentia in
Section 6-A is directly destructive and runs counter to the object and
reason of the PC Act, 1988. It also undermines the object of detecting and
punishing high level corruption.
88. Mr. K.V. Viswanathan, learned Additional Solicitor General has
strongly relied upon the observations made by this Court in P. Sirajuddin52
that if baseless allegations are made against senior Government officials, it
would cause incalculable harm not only to the officer in particular but to
the department that he belonged to, in general. He, particularly, referred
to the following observations in P. Sirajuddin52 (para 17, page 601 of the
“………..Before a public servant, whatever be his status, is publicly
charged with acts of dishonesty which amount to serious
misdemeanour or misconduct of the type alleged in this case and
a first information is lodged against him, there must be some
suitable preliminary enquiry into the allegations by a responsible
officer. The lodging of such a report against a person, specially
one who like the appellant occupied the top position in a
department, even if baseless, would do incalculable harm not
only to the officer in particular but to the department he
belonged to, in general.”
89. In our opinion, P. Sirajuddin52 also emphasizes equality before
law. This decision, in our opinion, cannot be read as laying down the
proposition that the distinction can be made for the purposes of inquiry /
investigation of an offence of which public servants are accused based on
their status.
90. It is pertinent to notice that in Manohar Lal Sharma4, the
learned Attorney General made a concession to the effect that in the event
of CBI conducting an inquiry, as opposed to an investigation into the
conduct of a senior government officer, no previous approval of the Central
Government is required since the inquiry does not have the same adverse
connotation that an investigation has. To that extent, Section 6-A, as it is,
does not survive. Insofar as investigation is concerned, an investigation
into a crime may have some adverse impact but where there are
allegations of an offence under the PC Act, 1988 against a public servant,
whether high or low, whether decision-maker or not, an independent
investigation into such allegations is of utmost importance and unearthing
the truth is the goal. The aim and object of investigation is ultimately to
search for truth and any law that impedes that object may not stand the test
of Article 14.
91. In the referral order, the contention of learned Solicitor General
has been noted with regard to inconsistency in the two judgments of this
Court in Vineet Narain1 and K. Veeraswami25.
92. In K. Veeraswami25, this Court in para 28 (pages 693-694 of
the report) observed:
“28. … Section 6 is primarily concerned to see that prosecution for
the specified offences shall not commence without the sanction of
a competent authority. That does not mean that the Act was
intended to condone the offence of bribery and corruption by public
servant. Nor it was meant to afford protection to public servant from
criminal prosecution for such offences. It is only to protect the
honest public servants from frivolous and vexatious prosecution.
The competent authority has to examine independently and
impartially the material on record to form his own opinion whether
the offence alleged is frivolous or vexatious. The competent
authority may refuse sanction for prosecution if the offence alleged
has no material to support or it is frivolous or intended to harass
the honest officer. But he cannot refuse to grant sanction if the
material collected has made out the commission of the offence
alleged against the public servant. Indeed he is duty-bound to
grant sanction if the material collected lend credence to the offence
complained of. There seems to be another reason for taking away
the discretion of the investigating agency to prosecute or not to
prosecute a public servant. When a public servant is prosecuted
for an offence which challenges his honesty and integrity, the issue
in such a case is not only between the prosecutor and the offender,
but the State is also vitally concerned with it as it affects the morale
of public servants and also the administrative interest of the State.
The discretion to prosecute public servant is taken away from the
prosecuting agency and is vested in the authority which is
competent to remove the public servant. The authority competent
to remove the public servant would be in a better position than the
prosecuting agency to assess the material collected in a
dispassionate and reasonable manner and determine whether
sanction for prosecution of a public servant deserves to be granted
or not.”
93. In Vineet Narain1, the above observations in K. Veeraswami25
have been considered in paras 34 and 35 of the report (pages 259-260)
and the three-Judge Bench held that the position of Judges of High Courts
and the Supreme Court, who are constitutional functionaries, is distinct,
and the independence of judiciary, keeping it free from any extraneous
influence, including that from executive, is the rationale of the decision in K.
Veeraswami25. The Court went on to say: “…. In strict terms the Prevention
of Corruption Act, 1946 could not be applied to the superior Judges and,
therefore, while bringing those Judges within the purview of the Act yet
maintaining the independence of judiciary, this guideline was issued as a
direction by the Court. The feature of independence of judiciary has no
application to the officers covered by the Single Directive. The need for
independence of judiciary from the executive influence does not arise in the
case of officers belonging to the executive…..”
94. The observations in K. Veeraswami25, as noted above, were
found to be confined to the Judges of the High Courts and the Supreme
Court, who are constitutional functionaries, and their position being distinct
and different from the Government officers. In our opinion, the Constitution
Bench decision in K. Veeraswami25 has no application to the senior public
servants specified in Section 6-A. We have, therefore, no hesitation in
holding that the conclusion reached in para 34 in Vineet Narain1, in no
manner, can be said to be inconsistent with the findings recorded in para
28 of K. Veeraswami25.
95. Various provisions under different statutes were referred to by
Mr. L. Nageswara Rao where permission of the government is required
before taking cognizance or for institution of an offence. Section 197 of
Cr.P.C. was also referred to, which provides for protection to Judges and
public servants from prosecution except with the previous sanction by the
competent authority. It may be immediately stated that there is no similarity
between the impugned provision in Section 6-A of the DSPE Act and
Section 197 of Cr.P.C. Moreover, where challenge is laid to the
constitutionality of a legislation on the bedrock or touchstone of
classification, it has to be determined in each case by applying well-settled
two tests: (i) that classification is founded on intelligible differentia and (ii)
that differentia has a rational relation with the object sought to be achieved
by the legislation. Each case has to be examined independently in the
context of Article 14 and not by applying any general rule.
96. A feeble attempt was made by Mr. K.V. Viswanathan, learned
Additional Solicitor General that Section 6-A must at least be saved for the
purposes of Section 13(1)(d)(ii) and (iii) of the PC Act, 1988. In our opinion,
Section 6-A does not satisfy the well-settled tests in the context of Article
14 and is not capable of severance for the purposes of Section 13(1)(d)(ii)
and (iii).
97. Having considered the impugned provision contained in
Section 6-A and for the reasons indicated above, we do not think that it is
necessary to consider the other objections challenging the impugned
provision in the context of Article 14.
98. In view of our foregoing discussion, we hold that Section 6-
A(1), which requires approval of the Central Government to conduct any
inquiry or investigation into any offence alleged to have been committed
under the PC Act, 1988 where such allegation relates to (a) the employees
of the Central Government of the level of Joint Secretary and above and (b)
such officers as are appointed by the Central Government in corporations
established by or under any Central Act, government companies, societies
and local authorities owned or controlled by the Government, is invalid and
violative of Article 14 of the Constitution. As a necessary corollary, the
provision contained in Section 26 (c) of the Act 45 of 2003 to that extent is
also declared invalid.
99. Writ petitions are allowed as above.
(R.M. Lodha)
(A.K. Patnaik)
(Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya)
(Dipak Misra)
(Fakkir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifulla)
MAY 06, 2014.